League Rules

152 Club's Volleyball League Rules

Format: QUADS

• Each match consists of 3 games (to 21 rally scoring – win by 2 or first to 23).
• Matches must be completed within the allotted time (45 minutes)
• No warm-up time on the court. Please come early and warm up on the side
• Teams forfeit 1 game for first 5 minutes past game time that they do not have enough players. Teams forfeit all games if not enough players after 15 minutes.
• A team may rotate any number of players into the game in set order or choose to have a designated player for player substitutions.
• Carrying is illegal.
• A carry generally is any use of an open hand(s) while making contact with the ball that is not in a firm manner, but can be called with a closed fist at the referee’s discretion
• Any unsportsmanlike behavior will result in that player/team being suspended/removed from participating in all 152 Club leagues upon league manager review

• Please don’t forfeit.
• Forfeits ruin the experience for everyone.
• 152 Club Beach VB exists to give you an opportunity to play and build community and forfeiting is a huge bummer.
• If your team absolutely needs to forfeit, you must let us know in advance so we can contact your opponent so that they don’t unnecessarily travel to the courts or we may be able to schedule another team for them to play.
• Your teammates and opponents count on you to have a full team and competitive game.
• Each team must have at least 2 players to start a game.
• Game time is forfeit time.
• Due to the extremely tight schedule, we strongly suggest arriving at the courts 15-20 minutes before game time for stretching, changing, etc. since the games must start on time to complete the game.
• If you do not inform us of a forfeit your team could face penalties in your league’s standings.

Format: Coed 6’s

  1. All games are Coed 6’s - which means you may have up to six players on the court at one time.
  2. A team can play with one more male player than female players however teams with 4 men and 2 women are not allowed.
  3. A female must be one of the 3 contacts before the ball crosses the plane into the other court.
  4. There must be a minimum of 4 players on the court at one time otherwise the game will result in a forfeit. You still may play an exhibition match but it will be a 0-3 loss for the understaffed team.
  5. Games must start on-time in the minimum number of players present.
  6. No drinking/smoking on courts. There are tables, drink holders under referee’s stands and ashtrays provided. Please use.
  7. Good sportsmanship is required at all times.
  8. All players/patrons need to give complete respect to the employees and property of the 152 Club, and to all referees. Disrespect is cause for request to leave or removal from property & removal from our leagues.
  9. If a team is not to show up at all, they must notify the 152 Club & the opposing team captain.

Substitution Rule

  1. Teams are allowed an unlimited number of substitutions per match.
  2. Substitutions can be made at any time for any position but must be the same gender.
  3. There is no libero in coed sixes.
  4. All players must have played at least one time throughout the season to participate in playoffs.
  5. All substitutes should be added to official roster at time of registration.

• Matches will be played within the allotted time (45 Minutes)
• All games are played to 21 – must win by 2 points – cap at 23 points
• Speed/Rally score will be used for all games
• One time-out (1 minute in length) per game is allowed
• Players will rock paper scissors for choice of serve/side before the first and third game
• 3rd set may be played to 15 points if game time is cutting close to 45 minutes and switch sides at 11 points.


• Let serves are allowed, and the ball can be played off the net on a serve
• The server may not step on or over the end line until the ball has been contacted
• The width of the service area is from sideline to sideline and the depth of the service area is infinite
• If a player steps on or over the line, a foot fault will be called and it will be a side out
• The serve receive may not be blocked or spiked or attacked with an overhand gesture towards the ball

Service Receive:

Players can return the serve by:
• Bump pass
• Clasping their hands together
• A closed fist
• Open-hand receive– You are allowed to set the serve

Players cannot return the serve by:
• Attacking the ball on the first hit.
• Contact with the ball must be made below the height of the net if it is to be directed back into the opponent’s side of the court
• Blocking

Hitting / Blocking:
• You can use any part of your body to hit the ball as long as it is not a carry – Exception is the serve must be put into play with your arm
• There is no male/female hitting rule/order
• Any portion of the ball breaks the plane of the net.
• After the offense has come in contact with the ball on the third attempt.
• A defensive block does not count as one of the allowable contacts.
• A player may reach over the net to block a ball if:
Contact of the ball when spiking is legal only if a portion of the ball is in contact with the plane of the net or on the hitter’s side of the net.
• Hitters may follow through over the net after legal contact as long as they do not make contact with the net.
• The ball must be cleanly hit when spiking with an open or closed hand.
• Guiding or carrying is illegal

Rotation (Coed 6's Only):
• Teams must rotate after every side out.

• This includes the first side out of the game.
• A team is not allowed to decide not to rotate for their first service.
• Teams may rotate in one of the following manners which must remain consistent for the entire game (teams may change rotation method from game to game within a match):

Double Contact:
• When one person double contacts the ball with one motion
• Double Contacts are allowed on the first ball over the net as long as it is one attempt to play the ball
• NOT allowed on a team’s 2nd or 3rd contact

• Any use of of an open hand(s) while making contact with the ball that is not in a firm manner – can also be called with a closed fist at the referee’s discretion
• All Carrying is illegal

• USA Volleyball Rules apply unless stated otherwise

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