We invite everyone to join our Music City League on Sunday Nights. The league will begin Sunday, April 17th and run through Sunday, June 18th.
This league is for beginners and experienced curlers alike! If you are new to the sport, still learning but want to compete, or an experienced curler; this is a great opportunity to meet new people and hone your skills and knowledge!
This league creates an opportunity for new curlers to learn from more experienced curlers and vice versa; for experienced curlers to pass on their knowledge and help grow the game!
The league will start on Sunday, April 16th, 2023. There will be 8 weeks of games; we will not have a game Memorial Day Weekend.
Upon registration, you will be able to request one person you would like to play with and we will do our best to accommodate (we have to make sure the teams are fair).
If you have never curled in a league with NCC, reach out to us at info@nashvillecurlingclub.com.
We have space for 8 teams total (32 individuals), if there is more interest beyond that, we will determine next steps at that time.