Apr 8 – Jun 3, 2024
6:00 – 10:00 PM
106 Duluth Ave, Nashville, TN 37209
We invite everyone to join our Open League on Monday nights from April 8 to June 3. There will not be a game on Memorial Day (Monday, May 28th).
This league is "bring your own team," meaning that people generally register as a team. This league, open to everyone, is our more competitive league in which members pick their team members with the intent of hoisting up the championship trophy at the end of the league!
If you do not have a full 4-person team, you can sign up as a "free agent" (individual) or partial team (2 or 3 people). Once registration has ended, the league manager will combine free agents and partial teams to make full teams.
There is space for 8 teams (32 individuals total). Registration will close when the 32 spots are filled.
*Please note: If you have a full team that wants to register but there are less than 4 spots left, your entire team will not be to register. The individuals who register (up until the league is full) will be teamed with other curlers.
The league schedule will be posted on this website and emailed to teams at least 2 days prior to the first game.
If you have never curled in a league with NCC, reach out to us at info@nashvillecurlingclub.com. Everyone who registers for the league should have previous curling experience, whether with NCC or another club, or have completed a "learn to curl" lesson.
If this is your first league with NCC, you qualify for a 50% discount. Please use the coupon code FIRSTNCC (qualifications will be confirmed by league manager).