Cornhole League and Registration

Cornhole League and Registration

Coed cornhole league in Solon, OH


Chagrin Falls, OH 44022


I have bookmarked Wednesday evenings as the official league day. I think it would be great to treat this more like a social event where we all target to play on Wednesday. That being said, you should coordinate with your opponent to play sometime that week.

You'll notice that each team will have 6 matchups - you will play everyone in your pool once. At the end of the season, we will have a tournament (August 5th) based on the seedings earned during the season.

League boards are located at the pavilion. Feel free to stop down and play at your leisure. There is a string velcro'd to the bottom of the board that is the exact distance between the front edge of the boards from each other. Please bring your bags. Due to animals and weather, we will not have community bags.

Hope this works for everyone!

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