Enfield Women's Softball League Waiver

Added by Melissa Gates


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I____________________________________________________agree to participate in the Enfield Women's Softball League. I do acknowledge the inherent risk of participation in the sport. The injuries include, but ar not limited to death, parals=ysis due to serious neck and back injuries, brain damage, damage to internal organs, serious injury to the bones, ligaments, joints and tendons. I, my family/friends do realize, waive and agree to hold harmless the EWSL, it's officers, directors, coaches, referees, any volunteer and/or Town of Enfield from any law suit/claim arising from any injury to myself, my family/friends, and my child, whether a result of negligence or any other cause. Further I agree to abide by the rules and/or decisions of any official which governs play through and by the league and realize that breaches of these rules may result in the Denial of participation with the EWSL. Any yelling, arguing, verbally bashing by a relative or friend of a player at a player and/or referee will result in suspension and/or revocation of playing privileges for that player.

Player Address_______________________________________________________

Telephone __________________________________________________________

Player Name (print)___________________________________________________

Player Signature______________________________________________________

For Coaches and League Officials Use

Form of ID Received__________________________________________________

Date Received_______________________________________

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