Rules of League

Rules of League

All Players must read....

Indoor Box Rules

⁃ face off after every goal, and each half. No carry over with possession.
⁃ Slightly moving picks are legal, but you can’t blow the guy up
⁃ Cross checking is legal from the front and side. Above the waist and below shoulders. You can only cross check the player with the ball. No full extensions of your arms!
⁃ Cross check to head is at least 2 min locked. Hit into the boards from behind is at least 2- 3 minutes locked, and it may lead to an ejection
⁃ No play ons. Blow whistle and, award ball
⁃ 10 seconds to get over midfield, 30 second total shot clock. Re-set clock on shot that hits goalie or goal. You will need your 20 second beeper if no shot clocks available
⁃ In order for a legal goal, you must have both feet above GLE (if coming from behind net) league may override this
⁃ If the ball goes off the net behind and it is off the goalie or goal, reset shot clock and Award the ball, to offense, near the corner boards
⁃ Same if it hits the ceiling or beams. If you caused it, you lose it
⁃ Goalie can’t receive a pass back from his teammate while he is in the crease
⁃ Goalie can pick up ball or catch it with his hand while he is in the crease
⁃ Diving is allowed. They still must dive away from the goalie if they dive straight into goalie, 2 min foul, and be locked in full time
⁃ Offensive player is not allowed in crease with possession. He can run thru the crease to get to a loose ball, BUT he can’t be the first person to play or touch the ball
⁃ There is back court!
⁃ Too many men on the court serves time offense or defense. Penalties are 30 second technical, and 1-3 minute personal.
⁃ For face off, all other players must be behind the line, and everyone is released on the whistle. These players being released may only play the ball, and not the face off players.
⁃ They can pull their goalie during a slow whistle, but goalie must be at the boards before extra player comes on
⁃ They can pull their goalie anytime during the game.
⁃ No hats or penalty flags. Hand up in the air for a penalty
⁃ Penalty time carries over from 1st to 2nd half, but you MUST always have a face off

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