3v3 Tournament Special Rules

Standard FIFA rules will be used with the exception of the below variations:

-7 minute halves with no halftime break. Just switch and get going. 15 minute games in 20 minute time slots, so keep things on schedule.

-No slide tackling is permitted

-There are no goalkeepers

-Offside will not be called

-There are no throw-ins, kick-ins will be used instead. The exception to that would be goal kicks (taken from anywhere on the end line) and corner kicks.

-Substitutions are on the fly. You are not required to wait for a dead ball

-Defenders are not allowed to touch the ball in the goal box. If a defender touches the ball in the goal box, a penalty shot will be taken uncontested from the center. If an attacker touches the ball in the box, a goal kick is awarded to the defending team. If the ball comes to a stop in the goal box, a goal kick is awarded to the defending team, regardless of who touched it last.

-Penalty shots are taken from the center mark uncontested. Ball is dead after an attempt, resulting in either a goal kick if missed or a goal.

-Goals cannot be directly scored on the kickoff, a kick-in, a goal kick, or from your defensive side of the field. You can score directly on corner kicks.

-Tiebreakers are in order as follows: Points, Goal Difference, Goals For, Goals Against. In the event of a tie after all of these, a sudden death shootout will be held with the penalty kick style stated above.

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