Woodbury Basketball

Basketball Leagues, Clubs, Classes, Trainings, Tournaments, and Pickups near Woodbury, NJ

Playpass helps you discover the best sports activities near Woodbury, NJ.

19 results

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Somerset Select Basketball

2020-2021 Fall and Winter

Somerset, NJ
Basketball League

Coed basketball league in Mount Holly, NJ

Mount Holly, NJ
Basketball Tournament

Coed basketball tournament in Lakewood, NJ

Lakewood, NJ
Basketball League

Coed basketball league in Lakewood, NJ

Lakewood, NJ
Basketball League

Coed basketball league in Bethlehem, PA

Bethlehem, PA
The Tourney

Coed basketball league in Pleasantville, NJ

Pleasantville, NJ

Coed basketball league in Paulsboro, NJ

Paulsboro, NJ
2 ON 2 SEASON 2015-2016

Coed basketball league in Lansdale, PA

Lansdale, PA
Howell Basketball Association

Coed basketball league in Ramtown, NJ

Ramtown, NJ