
Answers and advice from Playpass

Account and Billing FAQ

Quick answers to Free Trial, Pricing, Billing, and Account questions. Upgrade or cancel your plan with 1 click. Delete your account or request your data easily.

Support Help & FAQs Account and Billing FAQ

Can I use Playpass for free?

What if I only need your software for a few months each year?

  • Quick answer: Upgrade anytime and cancel anytime. We make it as easy as 1 click. No hassle. No obligations.
  • Longer explanation: Some customers rely on Playpass year-round for scheduling, registration, referrals, waivers, and a website. Others need us for a few months each year. Our pricing takes this into account. Everyone starts with a free plan that never expires. When you upgrade, there's no commitment. You can cancel your plan anytime with 1 click and keep using Playpass Free.

How can I cancel, upgrade, or change plans?

Do you offer a free trial?

Do you offer refunds?

  • No. We do not offer refunds, but you can cancel or change plans anytime with no hassle or obligations.

Do you offer phone support?

  • No. We offer support by chat and email,, and try to reply to every question within 24 hours.

How can I download my data?

How can I delete my account?

  • You may delete your organization's account from its Dashboard > Website > Settings page.
  • You may delete your personal account (including your organization's account) from Account page by clicking "Delete my account".
  • Everything in your account and all of its history will be deleted and cannot be recovered.

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