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Adding managers and staff members
How it works
From Dashboard > Settings > Managers you can invite anyone to help you manage everything on Playpass.

Manager roles
When you invite staff to join you will assign them a role:
- Scorekeeper - update schedule scores
- Scheduling Helper - manage schedules
- Registration Helper - manage registration, referrals, and waivers
- Manager - manage everything, add more staff members
- Owner - manage everything, billing, and settings
Below are details on what each role can and can't do.
Very limited access for updating schedule scores only.
- Record scores on existing Schedules
- Can't edit or create schedules
Scheduling Helper
Limited access to help with everything schedule related.
- Fully edit Schedules and create new ones
- View Members, but not download them
- Create Pages and Uploads
- Can't delete schedules, or anything else
Registration Helper
Limited access to help with everything registration related, including waivers and referrals.
Full access to manage everything within your organization.
- Fully edit everything, and create or delete anything
- Edit your Homepage
- Add more staff members with any role, except "Owner"
For owners or directors of your organization. Same as Manager except only Owner can:
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